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Must-See TV

I have a troubled history with television. I’m perfectly happy to go without owning a TV (as I did for most of my college years), but once I have access, addictive viewing usually isn’t far behind.

Some people with TVs can be content to watch a few good shows, some sports, and a little PBS. I am not one of those people. Sure, I may discuss The Office or The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, but odds are I’m also watching Blind Date and America’s Next Top Model as well. Worse, I may be watching reruns of Blind Date or America’s Next Top Model.

Now I see that my addictive TV viewing may have a genetic component. Matt and I haven’t had access to broadcast, satellite, or cable TV since we moved to Louisville, so Simon slept through a few DVDs early on but otherwise hasn’t seen TV. Until last night.

Last night, we were over at the Whitworths’ and Matt had Simon in the living room with himself and Jim while Evie and I had tea on the glassed in porch. The TV was on, and when I went to check on Simon the kid was mesmerized by a University of Kentucky basketball game. (Addictive basketball watching in general would also come from me; addictive Kentucky basketball watching would come from Jim.) Matt reports that earlier in the evening Simon was equally enraptured by portions of Dances with Wolves. So there it is: My not quite three month old baby is already in the thrall of TV.

Thank goodness his access is so limited. And thank goodness the Whitworths don’t watch Blind Date!

On an unrelated note, Simon has also spent the past two weeks or so with his hands in his mouth all the time. We know this is a typical developmental milestone, but we would like to note that it is also a disgusting developmental milestone.

One Response to “Must-See TV”

  1. patrickb says:

    Ian (our oldest) used to sit in his bouncy seat and bop to the theme from Law & Order, and beginning a UK basketball addiction at a young age is a good thing…

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