When Simon was around 18 months old, he experimented with a temper tantrum or two. It wasn’t fun, but I expected them, read about them, and dealt with them as best I could. Then, at twenty months, he began to walk, and the tantrums came to a halt. As I had read that negativity frequently […]
Monthly Archive for November, 2008
Simon is now in the throws of a linguistic explosion. After months of hearing him say about a dozen words, we’re now sitting at a vocabulary of around sixty words and counting. We’ve heard him say words like “dog”, “light”, and “ball” for ages. Today we also hear words like “house”, “clock”, “car”, “cracker,” and […]
I’ve mostly avoided politics in this blog. Anyone who knows me can guess how hard that’s been; I’m a political animal, and I’ve been following this year’s presidential race with obsessive focus.* I have opinions-great big emphatic ones-on nearly every campaign issue. But this is a mommy blog, and while motherhood is a great unifier, […]
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. My family’s struggle with addiction, present in the generations above me and something I’ve wrestled with myself, was supposed to end with Simon. We changed our entire lives in the year before he arrived, theoretically closing the door forever on the lost hours and days, the shame, and […]