“Munchausen syndrome is a type of mental illness, in which a person repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental disorder when, in truth, they have caused the symptoms. People with Munchausen Syndrome act this way because of an inner need to be seen as ill or injured in order to […]
Monthly Archive for July, 2009
It is amazing how much context determines our perception of the size of things. Simon is now asleep in his big-boy bed upsatirs. His crib is now broken down and leaning against a wall in our guest bedroom. Tonight, as I tucked him into bed and turned off the light, I was amazed by two […]
Word heard last night, around midnight, amid muffled cries during regular partial awakening: “Scary.” Words heard first thing this morning, at his regular 7:30 wake-up time: “Daddy! Where are you?” Number of times we heard pitter-pat of little feet in-between: Zero Number of times Percy has napped on Simon’s bed: Twice Words spoken to Matt […]
Matt and I have been planning on moving Simon to his big-boy bed for a couple of months now. We ordered it in April, and it arrived in Kiddie Kastle’s warehouse last week. Since then, we have had a single mission: to prepare Simon for the change so he won’t freak out. Therefore, we have […]