Wow. I haven’t posted pictures of Simon in over a month. That’s a record. So what’s going on?
Several things actually. First, there’s the hair. I mean for cryin’ out loud, just look at it.

Barely able to see Harold
Two haircuts ago, we left the bangs long. Last haircut we scheduled right before his nap, the stylist was new, the salon was packed, and we had a bit of a wait. By the time we got into the chair, Simon was extremely unhappy. So bang trimming didn’t happen. That was about six weeks ago. We’re totally chicken to try again. But with school pictures just a week away, something will have to give. I wonder if I can cut his bangs while he sleeps… I wonder if they have papoose boards at the hair salon…
Next up, he’s beginning to resist. I get out the camera, and he begins to scream, “No Mommy! No say cheese now! Don’t take my picture. Put the camera away in the bag right now!”

"I don't want to say cheese now!"
Simon is very good at issuing orders. My mom has begun calling him “Tito” for short. The reasons for this sudden reversal is that I flashed him one time too many, which turned him off the entire enterprise, and he finally figured out what the camera actually is. Now he wants one… bad. He tells me it’s his turn the second I get it out, runs towards it, and makes a grab for it. He’s taken a few pictures to date, mostly of the floor and his feet.
We’re hoping to alleviate this problem by getting him his own kiddie digital camera for his birthday. But that’s not for two weeks, so we have a couple more weeks of screaming before I can take pictures of him taking pictures of me.
And the third reason is that I spent a bit of time this month playing with my new Flip camera. I’ve got several videos I need to figure out how to upload to YouTube (coming soon), most of which feature Simon charging towards the camera and screaming “My turn! My turn!”
I had planned on booking Simon for a three year portrait this fall. But until the kid the gets a decent haircut and unless Dede Holman is willing to share, it may be more like three and a half.