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Shifting the Blame

By all rights, this is Matt’s post. But he’s unlikely to take the helm, so here goes.

Advance warning: Potty humor ahead.

Last night Matt was reading to Simon in bed while I took a phone call from a fellow KIP parent about an upcoming fundraiser. In the midst of a story, Simon interrupted to announce that, “George passed gas.”

“Huh?” or something like it came Matt’s reply.

“George passed gas!”  Simon insisted. And then he cackled wildly at the joke he had made. The George in this story is a stuffed Curious George, one of a large and growing coterie of stuffed friends that keep Simon company in bed. George passing gas is just hilarious. You’ll just have to trust Simon on that one.

Well, maybe “trust” isn’t the right word… Soon after, Matt leaned over closer to Simon, whereupon he hit a wall of, shall we say, fragrance. And that’s when we learned (1) that Simon’s declared tummy ache from earlier in the day was the real deal; (2) that he’s learned to lie about socially embarrassing events; and (3) that he’s all boy.

One Response to “Shifting the Blame”

  1. blg says:

    I *love* this story!!

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