Feed on

The Tally

Some days, Simon hardly eats any real food at all. I wonder how he can keep on going. Other days, Simon eats so much I honestly can’t figure out where it all goes. Cue hollow leg joke.

Sunday he broke an all-time record. No blood sugar problems yesterday! Here’s the tally:

  • Fruit bar
  • Orange juice
  • Crackers
  • Apple
  • 11 chicken nuggets (Applewood farm, organic, minimally processed for the record)
  • Cheese slices
  • Cookie
  • Pint of blueberries (yes, a whole pint)
  • Entire box of mac and cheese

That’s just what I can remember. Dinner, the time defined by chewing, lasted an hour. It began a bit late, ran into late afternoon relaxation time, and then crashed straight into bedtime. We had to skip his bath because he wouldn’t stop eating.

This brings three things to mind:

1.      I better have a job before he’s a teenager! We’ll never be able to afford to feed him.

2.      I’m guessing he won’t weight 37.25 pounds for much longer.

3.      Thank goodness he’s potty-trained!

Not necessarily in that order.

One Response to “The Tally”

  1. Amanda says:

    My brother ate the entire house when he was 15.

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