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Chanukah 2009

Bubbie lights the menorah

Bubbie lights the menorah

Last night was the Goldstein family Chanukah party at Bubbie’s (my Mom’s) house.

Dreidels were spun, gelt and 7 pounds worth of latkes were consumed, and many blue-wrapped boxes were opened. Today the combined effects of the same are making me feel sluggish, and in a mere 4 hours we go over to friends to repeat the ritual.

I’m thinking next year we should investigate oven-baked latkes. Would that be so terrible?

More of the story to come soon. But the photo album is already uploaded.

Happy Chanukah everyone!

2 Responses to “Chanukah 2009”

  1. goldsteinrita says:

    Oven baked latkes? Did I read that right? Are you kidding? The Maccabees did not keep the menorah lit by putting it in the oven. That is my only excuse for the unhealthy eating of fried latkes, but it’s only once a year. I vote NO to oven baked latkes.

  2. Amanda says:

    That is a wonderful picture of Rita and Simon. Happy Chanukah!

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