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We just found out about an hour ago that Simon got into the college… er, elementary school, of our choice. He’ll join his nephew Ben, and (I hope) some familiar faces from KIP and his spring soccer team. Two of Agotich’s cousins might be there, too, as they currently attend Brandeis’s ESL head-start program. Matt and I are both very happy.

It’s now safe to put away the Louisville Magazine school issue from last November, quit pulling school report cards from the web, quit playing with my Excel spreadsheets (yes, there was more than one), and quit second guessing our chances every time I learned of someone new applying.

Then again, I’ve only got six years to figure out the whole middle school thing, and I just found out that one of the schools I assumed would be a likely bet no longer pulls from our zip code. Kidding! (sort of)


For those wondering what Simon thinks about this, allow me to quote him. “You mean I’m going to Brandeis with my cousin Ben? … I’ll see Ben at school? … Will I be on the same bus as Ben? … You mean when you pick me up I might ride home with Ben?”

So, to summarize, Ben! Big Cousin Ben! He’s been called up to the big leagues, baby, and he’s feeling like a total hot-shot about it. Also, Ben!


2 Responses to “BRANDEIS!”

  1. Amanda says:

    Mazel tov!

  2. blg says:

    I am glad it came out the way you wanted it to.

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