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Wave Bye-Bye

Simon turned 17 months old today, an occasion he marked by being pretty crabby for half the day, spending the entire day in his PJs (Matt was up until 3:30 a.m. on a work call last night, so we were a lazy household today), and waving bye-bye for the first time.

My mom came over to dinner, and after crabbing a bit, perking up long enough to eat Caribbean black beans with a spoon at the table like the rest of the family, having us read his two favorite books these days (I’ll Teach my Dog a Lot Words and Curious George ABCs), throwing all his toys in the bathtub and pointing out every light in the house, it was time for my mom to leave. She grabbed her coat and headed for the door, and Simon began opening and closing his hand. It wasn’t a back-and-forth wave with his arm raised, so it took me a while to realize what he was up to.

He clearly knew what he was up to, though, because once he folded and unfolded his fingers a few times, he looked up at us and waited for us to clap for him. Which of course, we did wildly. Then mom actually walked out the door, and Simon sat in place completely motionless. We’ll have to work on his timing. Still, between the waving and the self-feeding of the family dinner, I’m considering the day a rousing success despite any crabbiness and the fact that he didn’t even bother to get dressed.

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