"W" is for Whozit
Just look at that baby in the cute sweater. Or is that the cute baby in the sweater? For sure, the turtleneck is not the most flattering look for those with short necks, double chins, and huge heads, but I still think Simon is doing a great job modeling his cool monogram cable sweater and hip jeans. It’s a very collegiate look.
The jeans are compliments of Claudia, my friend and old boss in the Hebrew publishing business. The sweater is compliments of me; I started knitting it around six weeks before Simon was born. Matt and I picked out the rust colored yarn because it’s gender neutral and looks reasonably good on both of us. I finished the sweater about three weeks before Simon was born, and while I considered embroidering a “W” on it for “Whitworth” or “Whozit” (Simon’s nickname in utero), I ultimately decided to wait until I knew if I had a little Audrey or Simon on my hands and embroider a first initial instead.
That was the plan anyway. But it turns out that “S” is hard to embroider on knitwear, and the combination of the “S” and the reddish color made it look like Superman decided to put on a sweater after it got nippy outside. Just no good at all. So after waiting all these weeks, we’re back at square one with the “W”.
Which, in retrospect, is perfect. Making this sweater was a joy because while I was knitting away I was dreaming about the baby I’d soon have. Now that he’s here, it’s sweet to look at the “W” on his chest and be transplanted back to that time of happy anticipation.