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Thirteen Pounds of Cute

Thirteen Pounds of CuteSimon hit twelve weeks old today, and in celebration of that fact (as well as the realization that we had taken no pictures of him in 2007 yet) Mom went a bit crazy with the digital camera. First there’s a series of glamor shots taken on the day bed in our guest bedroom (a.k.a. Mom’s Special Sanctuary). Next there was a series of shots of Simon struggling to sit upright in the Bumbo seat that his Grandma gave him for Christmas, but I had to edit some of these out. There’s nothing worse than watching a baby self-consciously try to support his own head and fail, and in the end there was only one I found usable without Child Protective Services coming to pay us a visit. Finally, Mom snapped some shots of me playing with Simon in his favorite place — the diaper changing pad! We have no idea what’s going on with that, but he’s almost guaranteed to break into a huge grin whenever I set him down there. Of course, he’s equally likely to vomit, but we didn’t take any pictures of that.

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