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Birthday Addendum

All last week, Simon seemed to think that if someone in the house were having a birthday, it must be him. At some point, that picture was obviously corrected.

Last night, at around 7:00 p.m. or so, Simon decided that he wanted to go downstairs to play with his Thomas set. As is often the case, he wanted to go with me alone and tried to shoo Matt away upstairs to his office. This desire to have time alone with me is usually oddly endearing and flattering, although the way he expresses it can be awfully rude to his father. Well, last night he managed to amuse and slightly offend both of us.

“Daddy,” he ordered. “You go upstairs and work in your office so I can go downstairs and play with forty-year-old mommy.”

Oof. I can’t wait to see that construction pop up again. Just think of the places where he can announce it!

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