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Peas! Peas! Peas!

We are one step closer to joining polite company. Simon has readily and quickly said “thank you” for a couple of months. He equally readily and kind of endearingly reels off the “excuse me”s, including those directed at inanimate objects he passes in the house: “Excuse me” he says to the chair as he squeezes behind it to fetch a car or ball. “Excuse me” he says to museum goers when he sidles by to get to the elevator. It’s all the same to him.

Pleases, though, have required regular prompting. “I want my rice crispie treat now!” he’ll announce/bark at me. “What do you say when you want something, Simon?” comes my tired response. Then he looks up at me with the most angelic expression he can muster, smiles, and says in a soft tone of voice, “peas?”

This was the drill, day in and day out, before eating meals and snacks, before taking walks and playing games, before watching episodes of Curious George or reading books. Demand. Question. “Peas?”

There seemed to be no real progress with that one until yesterday, when Simon skipped over a few steps and went straight to the desperate entreaty. I can’t even remember what he wanted now, but he wanted! wanted! wanted! and needed! needed! needed! it enough to speak in toddler triplicate.

“Mommy? I want a _____. Peas! Peas! Peas!”

Could the child jump, I’m sure he would have jumped three times to further illustrate his point. This was, no doubt about it, the kedusha* of requests. He also perfected the entreating smile, with his head tilted slightly down so that when he peered up at me the effect was particularly innocent and angelic.

Now today I’ve had to remind him once or twice, and he’s remembered on his own once or twice. The next hurdle will be the “I’m sorry” one, which toddler defiance and independence seems to make particularly difficult to clear.

*the Kedusha is a Hebrew prayer in which the congregation proclaims, “Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord of Hosts, the whole world is filled with His Glory.” At each utterance of “Holy” (kadosh) in Hebrew, congregants raise up on their heels.

One Response to “Peas! Peas! Peas!”

  1. bethnbobinnc says:

    Don’t hold your breath on the “I’m sorry”. I’m still waiting for that one from both of mine without prompting. I’m not sure when real remorse comes into play but I’m ever hopeful that it will come….

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