So, we haven’t posted for a few days because Simon has been fussy and we have been completely stressed and sleep deprived. And really, who wants to read “Simon cried for six hours yesterday, and Matt and I nearly lost our minds and seriously considered selling him on the black market”? (Note to social services employees: Joking about the selling business! Really!)
We have many theories about this crying business. Two weeks ago we assumed it was gas, bought Mylicon, and sighed in relief when dosing Simon stopped the shrieking. By week three the Mylicon seemed to have lost some effectiveness and Simon was spitting up and fussing quite a bit. We consulted our pediatrician, and he confirmed that Simon’s weight was good, told me Simon probably had mild reflux, and suggested that we should prop him up for about 20 minutes after each feeding. No problem.
So, how’s it going you might ask? A diversion on the way to the answer: There is a field called urban archaeology in which scientists study the daily habits of modern humans by carefully analyzing their garbage. You can do the same with Matt and me by looking at our shopping habits. In the last two weeks we have purchased a Maya wrap so I can carry Simon constantly (this inspired by descriptions of the !Kung bushmen of the Kalahari whose babies are always carried and never cry). We have purchased more Mylicon despite its waning effectiveness. I have purchased a book called The Nursing Mother’s Companion.
And tonight, while at Kroger, we purchased a bottle of gripe water, a copy of The Happiest Baby on the Block, and way too much junk food for our own good.
By now, you have no doubt surmised that Simon has been a major fusspot. He’s worst at night and after feedings. At 9 p.m. we feel really sorry for the poor little guy. At midnight, we consider bribing him to stop crying and feel frustration mounting. And at 3 a.m., frankly, my rational mind had shut down and I’d consider voodoo to make him sleep. [Note: He’s not crying continuously from 9 to 3–it can just seem that way.] There are two major possibilties for what is going on:
- Reflux requiring medical treatment. I’ll be calling the pediatrician to describe his symptoms tomorrow.
- The need for more effective calming measures. I’m reading The Happiest Baby starting tonight.
Stay tuned and I’ll tell you how it goes….