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Ultrasound Pix

Whozit's UltrasoundsAs D-Day draws nearer and nearer, Jessica was starting to worry that we wouldn’t get around to scanning our ultrasound pictures and getting them posted here before we actually had photos of Baby Whozit ex utero. So I spent an hour over at Perry and Tia’s yesterday quickly ripping these onto a USB drive and then cleaning them up for presentation in the photo album.

I don’t know about you, but I think all ultrasound photos look alike. I mean, there are obvious differences over time as the kid develops (we had four different ultrasounds — don’t ask), but I’ve seen ultrasounds of most the nieces and nephews and, apart from the text, I wouldn’t be able to distinguish them from Whozit if I had to.

All that being said, I still think they’re pretty darned cool.

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