About a week ago, Simon uttered his first subject-verb-object sentence that did not start “I need”*. He was watching Curious George when he looked over at Matt and helpfully explained “Monkey see clock.” The sentences have been coming fast and furious since then. He’s told us when Wall-E is scared, when planes go overhead, and […]
Monthly Archive for January, 2009
Near Misses
Posted in Jessica on Jan 30th, 2009
This tree is down the street from me. It’s currently also, well, down. I took the photo at around 11:00 a.m. yesterday. At 2:00 p.m., when I walked to my Dad’s house so he could take me to the grocery, a second, even larger tree, had fallen three doors down. The significance of this is […]
You may have read we’ve had some weather in Louisville KY. To be precise, we’ve had about five inches of snow, a bunch of freezing rain, and over 200,000 Louisvillians have no power. There’s only one unblocked street from our house to civilization (and more trees coming down by the hour), school has been called […]
We’re on our second straight snow day, and they’ve already called the rest of the week. Time to get the sled out! Today I put Simon in his cousin Ben’s (size 4T!) bib overalls, dragged the sled outside, and went exploring. We talked to some neighbors, met some neighbors for the first time, and had […]
You know that guy who always has to show off? The guy who isn’t satisfied to have a drink and socialize a bit, but must, you know, talk really loudly, get up up on the bar or table to dance, let out a series of too-loud yeahs and generally make an ass out of himself? […]
Change We Can Believe In
Posted in Jessica on Jan 25th, 2009
Well, our site got hacked last week, so Matt has spent the past few days diagnosing the problem, re-installing everything on our server, and taking steps to prevent this from happening again. It’s a new era of responsibility here at okcomputer. Matt’s work included installing the latest and greatest version of WordPress, the blogging software […]
Not-Quite Live Blogging the Inauguration
Posted in Jessica on Jan 20th, 2009
Stream of consciousness remembrance as the events unfolded. Simon makes a cameo appearance in this post. Since it is more about me than him, I’ve put the post below the fold.
This is the exact type of post Simon is most likely to be embarrassed or angry about when he gets older. I can’t do anything to change that short of not writing about it, but what happened yesterday is just too quintessential a baby/toddler experience to expunge from the record. So instead, let me say […]
Within the past three weeks, Simon has begun to engage in some imaginative play. It may have started even earlier, but I wasn’t expecting it and therefore wasn’t looking out for it, either. My friend Amanda was one of the first to spot it. We were eating lunch in the kitchen and she noticed that […]
So Simon is sick again. Has been since Friday. I haven’t written about it yet because, honestly, this our fourth trip on the toddler illness merry-go-round and there’s nothing much new except this time no barfing has been involved, Simon’s fever peaked at around 104, and we didn’t get a bad diagnosis or a bad […]